Sunday, October 27, 2013

tossing one's hat in the ring

I was listening to some of the people commenting on Budget 2014 that was put up last two days by our PM and I found out that we are still going to get our book vouchers. Yeay. 

As a student, that was the only thing I honestly look forward to because I don't think that everything else that they've decided for the people isn't going to affect my life but clearly, I wasn't using my brain when I thought of that. I am a Malaysian so anything that the government decides to implement or abolish can actually change the course of my life.
With all the tax imposed being lessened down, the subsidies, reduced housing rates, financial aids to people in the working and lower class etc., I guess it's okay for me to say that the government is indeed trying to help out its people or in other word, impress
Why impress? Well, I believe that since the last general election, the government's position is a bit too shaky because the oppositions were actually catching up quite well in the voting numbers. So now they're trying to accommodate us Malaysians in hopes to secure their position. I'm not saying it's wrong, being in the politics, those are some of the things that needs to be done because as a politician, you are supposed to protect your people and provide their needs.

See here's the thing, ever since Aristotle and Plato discovered the importance of politics in governing life, the main objective has always been for one to find the common goals between different tribes and find a way to achieve it. I can't believe I'm saying this but politic is good. 
If there was no politic, the world would be chaotic and people could do around and do things they feel like doing without having to feel like an outlaw or feel guilty. 
But now, it has been contaminated by individuals that crave for power and blinded by wealth that they no longer feel the need to benefit other people but themselves. 
When greed becomes hunger, this is what happens. I guess. 

Nauzubillah hi min dzaalik

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